Creating an Assets Inventory List
Every homeowner, renter, and college student should have an inventory of their possessions. Just imagine… if you had a fire or burglary, would you be able to remember everything you own and what it cost? Having an inventory can save you time, money and stress if you have to make a claim.
Get started
Set a time goal. Setting a deadline helps keep you on track.
Break it up into pieces. Don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to do it all at once. Go room by room. Start with your most valuable possessions.
Get help. Have someone help you take the inventory and review it.
Create a list
Find a method that works for you. Using a computer can make storage, duplication and updates of your inventory easy. If you don’t have a PC, paper works fine, too. Click below for sample home inventory worksheets:
Home inventory worksheet – MS Excel®
There is even a new iPhone app from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners myHOME app. The app will guide you through capturing images, descriptions, bar codes and serial numbers, and then storing them electronically for safekeeping. The app even creates a backup file for e-mail sharing.
What to document
Describe all items noting make, model, where purchased ,and price paid as applicable. List serial numbers for expensive electronics and major appliances. Count up clothing items by category noting high value items. Keep receipts or appraisals with your list if you have them.
Take photos or video
Take pictures and/or video of everything using the time stamp feature if available. Label all photos with descriptions. Digital photos are inexpensive and easy to store. Video is great to give verbal descriptions of items. You may want to do this step first to create a quick inventory.
Document high-value items
Items worth over $500 should be described in detail and photographed. High-value items may need to be insured separately since home policies have certain personal property limitations.
Safely store your inventory
Keep a copy handy for yourself. But most importantly, store your inventory documentation away from your home in a safe deposit box or with someone you trust.
Keep it up to date!
Once you’re done, update your inventory when you make big purchases. It’s a good idea to review your list at least every couple of ears or when you move. When you’ve completed your inventory, talk with us to be sure that you have enough insurance to cover all your possessions.